Members of the 1964 Club share many values and objectives. However, other people may have different ideas. Even if you do not share them, it is better to acknowledge and understand different viewpoints if we wish to live in harmony in a free and democratic society.
This section provides links to UK sources of Political thought on the internet provided by UK Political Parties, and "Think Tanks" some aligned to parties, others independent. There are also links to UK and global media and press.
If you think there are other links that would be useful references for members, please send your suggestions to the committee.
Political Links Start Here - with an introduction in their own words
The Epsom & Ewell Conservatives Association The parliamentary constituency covers the Borough of Epsom and Ewell, Ashtead, Nork, Tattenhams and Leatherhead. Epsom & Ewell Conservatives Association
The Conservative Party website - why not join?
The Conservative Policy Forum gives Conservative Party members a say in policy development, by a nationwide network of CPF branches holding regular policy discussions. If you're a Party member and you'd like to get involved, please contact us Conservative policy forum - latest papers:
- The Future of the Welfare State - Nov 2023
- Deregulation & AI - Oct 2023
- CPF Youth Champion - help us boost the voice of the new generation - Sep 2023
The Conservative Foreign & Commonwealth Council provides a forum for the discussion of international foreign relations to promote greater understanding and awareness. CFCC
The Liberal Democrats are different. Unlike the other parties, we are a democratic organisation, where our members decide our policy and elect our leader. Our local parties are independent and work hard in their communities - giving local people a voice and deciding how their neighbourhoods are run. Liberal Democrats
Nigel Farage is UKIP MEP for the South East of England. Elected in 1999, he has used his experience of the EU to increase awareness of its activities back home in the United Kingdom. He is building a party to fight in the UK elections UKIP
The Labour Party celebrates its achievements from its emergence in 1900 as a parliamentary pressure group. We are right to regard as historic the establishment of the National Health Service, the enshrining in law of equality of opportunity for all and the creation and maintenance of an empowering welfare state – all Labour achievements. Labour Party
The SNP is a social democratic political party committed to Scottish independence. The party has been at the forefront of the campaign for Scottish independence for over seven decades. SNP
The CBI is the UK's premier business lobbying organisation, providing a voice for employers at a national and international level. The CBI
Institute for Public Policy Research is the UK's leading progressive thinktank. Our purpose is to conduct and publish research into, and promote public education in, the economic, social and political sciences, and in science and technology; including the effect of moral, social, political and scientific factors on public policy and on the living standards of all sections of the community IPPR
Civitas is a community of researchers and supporters committed to discovering how best to strengthen democracy, uphold limited government, maintain personal freedom, achieve opportunity for all, and encourage free enterprise. Civitas
The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) was established as an independent think-tank in 2004 Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP. Their consistent aim has been that each person, family and community is given every possible opportunity to reach their full potential. Centre for Social Justice
The Centre for Policy Studies has a rich history. Established in 1974 by Sir Keith Joseph and Margaret Thatcher, it aimed to ‘think the unthinkable’ with regard to public policy. Centre for Policy Studies
The Institute for Fiscal Studies was founded in 1969. Established as an independent research institute, IFS was launched with the principal aim of better informing public debate on economics in order to promote the development of effective fiscal policy. Institute for Fiscal Studies
NHS England's main aim is to improve the health outcomes for people in England. Central to our ambition is to place the patients and the public at the heart of everything we do. NHS England
Royal Institute of International Affairs - Chatham House, is an independent policy institute based in London. Our mission is to help build a sustainably secure, prosperous and just world. Chatham House
The Foreign Policy Centre is a UK-based, independent, progressive foreign affairs think tank. The Centre was launched in 1998 and founded by the then Foreign Secretary, the late Rt Hon Robin Cook. The Centre aims to develop policy ideas and inclusive partnerships that promote a fairer world. Foreign Policy Centre
The Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world. CER
The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) is an independent think tank engaged in cutting edge defence and security research. RUSI embodies nearly two centuries of forward thinking, free discussion and careful reflection on defence and security matters. Royal United Services Institute
The UK National defence Association (UKNDA). Promoting the effective and efficient Defence of the UUnited Kingdom and the UK's worldwide interests. UKNDA
NATO’s essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. Nato
The Adam Smith Institute was founded in the 1970s, as post-war socialism reached its high-watermark. Then, as now, its purpose was to educate the public about free markets and economic policy, and to inject sound ideas into the public debate. Adam Smith Institute
The CentreForum is an independent, liberal think-tank seeking to develop evidence based policy solutions to the problems facing Britain. Their research will reflect their liberal aims and values. CentreForum
The Policy Exchange is the UK’s leading think tank. As an educational charity our mission is to develop and promote new policy ideas which deliver better public services, a stronger society and a more dynamic economy. Policy Exchange
The Social Market Foundation (SMF) is an independent public policy think tank. We are not politically aligned and have members from across the political spectrum on our Board of Trustees and Advisory Panel. Social Market Foundation
The Fabian Society was one of the original founders of the Labour Party and is constitutionally affiliated to the party as a Socialist Society. These are membership organisations in sympathy with the party, which sit alongside trade unions as organisational members. Fabian Society